Bericht wom Wochenende

It´s "Summer Party" season! This weekend was a nice busy one!
On Saturday, we went to the "Deutsch-Koreanisches Sommersfest" that took place on the Unisportzentrum right across from our building. The food was great! I had some "Gemüsepfannkuchen" (vegetable pankaces) with soja sauce and sesame seeds. Fabi loved the vegetarian sushi and managed to get a whole piece in his mouth at one time. Then he had a huge ice cream cone. We also enjoyed the Taekwondo demonstrations that took place. Lots of people -of ALL ages- practice that sport here.
In the afternoon Fabi and I headed out to "St.Sebald Kindergarten Sommerfest". That´s the kindergarden where Fabi will probably go to. There was a lot of food (German style: meat, potatoes, green salad, beer, etc), but Fabi and I were stuffed. So Fabi played with other kids and I met a few friends. Among all the Germans there were families from Venezuela, Nicaragua and Spain, also from Bangladesh and India. Fabi bought 6 Tombola tickets and won three prizes. There were also games for the kids and lots of yummy cakes and desserts. Fabi thought it was a birthday party and kept singing "Happy Birthday to you" and asked for the cake. He did have a piece of cheesecake, but I´m sure he was wondering who the birthday boy or girl was. We stood in line for him to get his face painted, but he then changed his mind about it. At around 5:30pm I took him home for his nap. Then I went grocery shopping for the week.
The next day I was supposed to join a neighboring family to go to Nüremberg for the "Spanish Church Mission Sommerfest", but the allergy that I´ve had the whole week turned into a cold overnight. So I decided to stay home. The good thing is that I was able to catch up with iroining of all the clothes while I watched a couple of movies on my laptop.
I´m feeling a lot better. I don´t have headache, fever or any kind of pain except for nasal congestion which has calmed down but it´s still annoying. I should be fine again in a couple of days. I just hope Fabi doesn´t catch my cold...and if he does, I hope it will be as mild as mine is.
Este fin de semana pasado fue especial -porque además de todas las actividades de verano- a nivel mundial se celebraron los conciertos "Live Earth" en la fecha especial del 7.7.07.
Además, se anunciaron las 7 Maravillas del Mundo Moderno (de las cuales TRES! están en Latinoamérica):
"La Muralla China"
"Petra" en Jordania
"El Coliseo Romano" en Italia
"Chichén Itza" en México
"El Cristo Redentor" en Brasil
"Machu Picchu" en Peru*
"El Taj Mahal" en India*
*Ya visité dos, me faltan las otros cinco!
Labels: Life in Erlangen
2 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:
¡Very nice summer time! Stop eating sugarcanne. La lista de las maravillas no incluye el Fortin de Heredia, que es una maravilla¡que no se haya caído! A Fabi no le gusta jugar de hacer fila. O y J
glad to knwo you had a wonderful weekend! hope your cold is better now! gute besserung :-)
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