Thursday, July 12, 2007

Imagine...a dream come true (Updated)

Imagine one day you quit your job and then visit different far away countries.

You document your trip with a blog and a video that shows you doing a silly dance everywhere you go. The video gets an incredible amount of attention on the Internet.

Imagine that a company offers to sponsor you on another world trip, so you can make another video of yourself dancing in different places (as part of their advertising campaign for their new product). They´re sure LOTS of people are going to like it...and they are right!
And become even more famous on the Internet.

You can stop imagining now because this is exactly what happened to
Matt. He´s from USA and was working in Australia when he quit his job in February, 2003. He made his first video after travelling in 2003 and 2004.

At the end of 2005, he made a second trip visiting 39 countries in all 7 continents. This is the second video. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

When I first saw the video I loved it immediately. Then I found about Matt´s travel journal and have been following his recent news. He got interviewed, he´s been in the news and keeps getting all kinds of different offers. He also got quite a few video responses in YouTube.

Now he´s travelling a third time to make dancing video clips with fans. You can sign up to join him if he stops where you are.

In this day and age, to be getting so much attention can be quite a responsibility. People (his fans!) keep asking him: "What´s your message?", but he (originally) didn´t have one, he was just travelling and dancing.

Travelling changes you and it makes you grow. Besides doing what he likes and being an inspiration to other people, this "lucky backpacker" made awesome videos to show that the world is a wonderful small, big place.

UPDATE: The song of the video is adapted from "Sweet Lullaby" by Deep Forest.

-The vocals of the song belong to "a girl (..) named Afunakwa. She comes from a place named Fataleka in the Solomon Islands. The song she is singing is a traditional lullaby named “Rorogwela.” The recording was made in 1970 by a UNESCO ethnomusicologist named Hugo Zemp. ”Rorogwela” is part of the oral tradition among the Baegu tribe, passed down through generations for who-knows-how-long, and was thankfully preserved while there were members of the tribe who could still sing it."

video of the song is director Tarsem´s retelling of the myth of the Hindu god Ganesh's trip around the world.

I just love to know about the stories behind the things that catch my attention.


4 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:

At Thu Jul 12, 10:01:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Nidhi said...

How Lucky!thanks for sharing the video:-), its really so nice:-)

At Sat Jul 14, 11:55:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger GummyMommy said...

Wow Mari.. I loved it.. What an amazing journey.. I also love how you went to get more details on the story..
How you doin' guapa? veo que Fabi esta grandisimo.. Un dia de estos me pongo las pilas y escribo mi propio blog... Abracitos!

At Sun Jul 15, 03:49:00 AM GMT+2, Anonymous Anonymous said...

El vídeo es genial y muy entretenido. Fabi pudo haber protagonizado el baile. O y J

At Sun Jul 15, 04:00:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger MasalaMom said...

Es cierto...asi baila Fabi exactamente!


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