We hit the front page...
...of the Erlangen Nachrichten.*
The title of the picture reads: "Prominenz am 30. Marktplatzfest", which means, "Celebrities in the 30th Marketplace Festival".
The description below the picture reads: "Hoher Besuch in Erlangen: Fabian und Mariluz ließen es sich nicht nehmen bei Sonnenschein und mit guter Laune, das Fest zum 30-jährigen Jubiläum zu besuchen. Kommentar der Ehrengäste: `Eine Veranstaltung mit umfangreichen Angeboten und abwechslungsreichem Programm!`"
Which means (something like): "Important visitors in Erlangen: Fabian and Mariluz took it upon themselves to visit the 30-year old jubilee with sunshine and with good mood. Comment of the honorable guests: ´This event has a lot of offers and a diverse program!´"
Yes we had fun at this year´s Marketplace Festival: Fabi got a balloon, we had fish on bread for lunch and we bought some wooden puzzles....and our picture was in the front page of the local newspaper*.
While we were doing all of this, Céline was enjoying this great view from the Hugenotten Kirche (it was "Open House" at the Church today).
After visiting the festival, Fabi and I joined another mom and his son on a train ride that took us to Nüremberg and Fürth. The kids had ice cream and the moms enjoyed a cup of tea. It was a very nice Sunday.
On the way home I got a phone call from my Mom. She´s still in the hospital, but feeling better. She should be back home tomorrow Monday or next Wednesday.
Tomorrow, MasalaDad will be back after a whole week away from home. Wir sind begeistert!...
*Sort of...
Labels: friends, Life in Erlangen
3 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:
Wow Mariluz!! Que chevere!! son unas celebridades!! :) en la primera pagina!
uwouah , I undertand spanish, in french version, "c'est une célebrité , en première page".
Your are our stars of Erlangen.
Wow can proudly say that we also know some people who come in Page 1 news:-), lovely pic :-)
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