Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Bittersweet Day - 15.Aug.07

The Roman Catholic Church celebrates today the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. Today is a day when the Catholics go to celebrate Mass even if August 15th is not on a Sunday. Most of the population in Costa Rica is Catholic and therefore - in honor of the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God - Costa Ricans also celebrate MOTHER´S DAY today.

I remember as a kid not really grasping the meaning of today´s celebrations. As I grew older it slowly became clear to me the importance of "August 15th". Several years ago, our whole family had gathered for lunch to celebrate Mother´s Day and my Mom cut her hand washing a drinking glass. She ended up going to the hospital and getting some stitches. I remember thinking what a lousy way my Mom ended up celebrating her day. It turns out that day was nothing compared to the way she will spend Mother´s Day this year. As I type this, hopefully she´s recovering from an apendicitis operation. I hope she gets to be back home from the hospital really soon.

It so happens that this "Mother´s Day" also brings a touch of guilt for me as I´m feeling frustrated over my failure to protect Fabian´s dental health. I don´t care if the dentist assures me that it´s "statistically normal" for a kid his age to have caries. He shouldn´t have! I learnt that sugar is not the only enemy, but also the acid that is found in some drinks like apple juice and apfelschorle, which are so popular here in Germany.

Ironically my Mom was probably having her operation at the same time Fabian was at the dentist today. Fabian was under the effect of anesthesia to allow the dentist to work on him. He woke up in a state of fury, but it turns out he was just VERY hungry*. He´s sleeping now (hence this post) and I´m suppossed to keep a close eye on him for the rest of the day. The good thing is that besides getting the fillings he needed, he now also has very clean teeth.
* He totally gets that from me!

Recently, August 15th has an added meaning for our family. It is the day when India celebrates its Independence Day. Happy Day to all Indians and may you continue to grow as a country and maintain your traditions! India´s neighboring country, Pakistan, also celebrates its 60th Independence Day. Both countries celebrate the end of the British rule since 1947.

¡Feliz Día de la Madre a todas las mamás, especialmente a las ticas! Un saludo especial a mis primas Nazareth, Catalina y Gabriela Cartín (las mamás mas recientes de la familia). ¡Felicidades a mi amiga Xinia, quien celebra hoy su primer Día de la Madre!

Un gran abrazo a Abuela Carmen y a Estela....y muy, muy especial a mi Mamá, Olga, ¡la mejor del mundo!

Una madre es capaz de dar todo sin recibir nada. De querer con todo su corazón sin esperar nada a cambio. De invertir todo en un proyecto sin medir la rentabilidad que le aporte su inversión. Una madre sigue teniendo confianza en sus hijos cuando todos los demás lo han perdido.

Sus brazos siempre se abren cuando se necesita un abrazo. Su corazón sabe comprender cuándo se necesita a una amiga. Sus ojos sensibles se endurecen cuando se necesita una lección. Su fuerza y su amor nos dirigen por la vida y nos han dado las alas para volar. ¡Muchas felicidades y que Dios bendiga a todas las Madres!

- Gracias a Sandra C. por este mensaje...Muchas felicidades en tu día!

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3 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:

At Thu Aug 16, 01:29:00 AM GMT+2, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Igualmente que tengas un día lleno de mucho amor al lado de Fabiancito e Ishan.

At Fri Aug 17, 08:03:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger GummyMommy said...

Feliz dia de la Madre "tica" !!
Lamento mucho lo de tu mama.. espero que se recupere pronto y pueda regresar pronto a casita... Ojala que Fabi te haya dado muchos beshitos hoy!!

At Sat Aug 18, 06:35:00 AM GMT+2, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No sé si te dije feliz ´Dia de la Madre pero este texto le hizo mucho bien a Olguita. Feliz dia de la Indepencia para Ishan , también. José.


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