Holiday Season is here!
It's official!...
Holiday season is here: it's Christmas time, it's end-of-year vacation time! The weather has changed (drastically). We've even experienced a couple of minor earthquakes. Rains have stopped, it's windy and chilly...and you can hear Christmas carols in the air! This is a WONDERFUL time to be in Costa Rica...
In the past few days, we've had the lowest record-hitting temperatures and it felt as if we were having winter without snow :) For Fabi and I, Costa Rica has been a wonderful transition (from India to Germany) in more than one way. This is how we have been gearing up for the REAL winter.
1 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:
we r waiting for low temperatures here...Sunday even managed to go for a walk in the night wearing only slippers n a small wrap - no shoes n big jackets imagine that at end of nov in Europe!
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