Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Mission accomplished! My friend came back from her trip and I handed over her daughter -safe and sound. I think it's perfect to say that we all survived the experience. It was a big responsibility for me, but most of was fun: we had makeovers, wore fake long fingernails (French-manicure style), we did homework, cooked, made crafts and spent a whole afternoon trying on clothes, hats and shoes at a department store (despite the fact that we were not going to buy anything). I'll say it again: Pre-teenage years are challenging, but also fun indeed!

My friend was in the Dominican Republic visiting her family and came back with lots of goodies, including this bottle of beer:
La voy a "vestir de novia".
If you're wondering why I'm so excited about a bottle of beer (knowing that I'm not exactly a beer drinker and I'm currently living in beer country anyway), the best explanation of what this bottle makes me feel like is in the following 30 seconds:

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3 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:

At Wed Apr 23, 08:32:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger Nidhi said...

love the ad! i guess you must have enjoyed doing all young girlie things as well :-)

At Thu Apr 24, 06:22:00 AM GMT+2, Blogger Gummy Mommy said...

awwww.. Vestidita de novia es que la quiero!!! Como me has hecho reir recordando el tigueraje de mi patria querida!!! Lo que diera yo por una Presidente bien fria!! aunque tampoco tomo cerveza.. pero asi me transporto a mi tierra de azucar, merengue y gente alegre!

At Thu Apr 24, 06:04:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger MasalaMom said...

Liza: ya tu sabe'!... Yo estaba segura de que ese video te iba a gustar. A proposito de tigueraje...el video que realmente me dio risa, fue este:

"El tiguere que no baila, no es tiguere." :)


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