What's your sign?
I've been learning and using sign language with Fabi hoping that we can communicate a lot sooner than when he learns to speak. I like this idea very much because the signs will bring unity among the different spoken languages that will surround him.
I'm not following any specific technique in the process of teaching the signs, I'm just using them as much as possible, hoping that Fabi will pick up their meaning.
I came across a scene for the movie 'Meet the Fockers', where the character played by Robert De Niro is communicating with a baby through sign language. It's really funny!!
1 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:
Mmm this is "THE" learning phase for babies. The first 7 years of life is the time when one learns all that will be rooted in his/her being. Later on we just pick the necessary skills required to navigate through life. Loads and loads of TLC and the right education in the 7 years and ye will be amazed at wot your diamond turns out to be when he grows up. And yup!! Meet the Fokkers was hilarious. Havent seen DeNiro in such a role ever :))
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