Question: What happens when MasalaDad and MasalaMom have a cold?
Answer: MasalaFabi also gets sick....
P.S. We're all fine now...but it was a long (feverish) week!
Born in March 2005. Indian father, Costa Rican mother and already many friends in several other places around the world. Welcome to the blog by Fabian's mom! / Nació en marzo del 2005. Su padre es de India, su madre de Costa Rica y desde ya tiene muchas amistades en varios lugares alrededor del mundo. ¡Bienvenidos a la bitácora de la mamá de Fabián!
Question: What happens when MasalaDad and MasalaMom have a cold?
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Gesundheit! und Gute Besserung!
Hey! I think the birthday party preparations and excitement drained everyone's energy and all fell ill! But its good to know you all have bounced back!
I'm just glad we all didn't get sick before the B-Day party! :)
Tell people how useful tomato is in Spanish. Opa Jose
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