SURPRISE: This post is brought to you from...COSTA RICA!
¡Sorpresa!... ¡Estamos en Costa Rica!...
Yes! It's true! MasalaMom and Masala Fabi @ Costa Rica!...
I wanted to keep it a secret to surprise my friends and my (extended) family in CR. (I do have cousins who read my blog. Sadly, they hardly ever comment.) Anyway, it was *REALLY* fun to see the reaction of astonishment when I met my family because this was something completely unpredicted for them! ... and I haven't met everyone yet! I'm still yet to tell most of my friends about it! It's great fun!
Wow!... I have *SO* much to tell you...!
Actually, I managed to check my blog one last time before my trip and noticed that Shweta had started a guessing game. I had written a reply to her comment, but lost it because I got disconnected and didn't have time to write it again :( I had replied regarding her first guess. She thought that I was expecting (a baby) again. Probably because I said that I was 'expecting something new and exciting'. But I used that word because there's a difference between waiting and expecting. When you wait, you just let time go by; but when you expect, you impatiently wait, hope, pray and dream for something that you want in the future.
And that's exactly what happened to me! It took more than SIX(!) months since the planning of this trip until it actually happened. (I'm going to post later details of why this took such a long time!) Since we didn't know the exact date, then the idea of making it a surprise sounded great.
While you were busy guessing what was happening, Fabi and I were on our way half around the world to the place I call home. I think it would have been fun to see more guesses like: 'You're going back to your office work', 'You got your driver's license in India', 'You cooked a complete Indian meal without any mishaps','You're getting a tatoo', 'You're going to the moon'...but none of the above would have been as exciting as the adventure Fabi and I lived on this intercontinental journey.
Estaré en CR hasta principios de Octubre, así que escríbanme un correo para intercambiar números de teléfono (tengo celular!) y nos ponemos de acuerdo para vernos en algún momento...!
¡Nos vemos pronto!
5 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:
Guess who are also so happy? O y J
Hey Mari,
i am sooo very happy for u n fabi and ur family on costa rica...
Have a great time there n enjoy!!
(this was our strongest guess :-))
Hi Mari!!! I am really very very happy for you and Fabi. Hope you enjoy every bit of your stay in Costa Rica. So Mihir gets full points for being the only one to get it right!! Infact yesterday me and Rajeev decided to pay you , Ishan and Fabi a visit since I hadn't met you guys since a long time. When we reached , Ishan informed us that Mari must have already reached Costa Rica by now!! He was impatiently waiting for your call!! I was so excited when I heard that and couldn't wait so I actually posted a comment in the chat box from Ishan's PC instantly. However I kept in mind that I better not let out your secret before you do because definately this meant a lot to you!! It must be amazing to go back to your country after 3 years and actually do everything , see everything , meet everyone Costa Rican!! I always appreciate how well you have adapted yourself to everything Indian and this trip is definately something you deserve!!
Hey Mari,
That's Fabulous. You r in Costa-Rica. I was very much surprised to read that this is blog was brought to u from Costa Rica.So you must be very happy to see all the family members and relatives and friends and again a feeling of being at home(motherland).
So how does Fabi find the new place and well how is weather there like ? We wish u and nice stay. Enjoy the stay and football matches also.
Sudhir & Varsha
Qué linda sorpresa! Nos alegra mucho que estén acá en Costa Rica. María Fernanda cumplió su primer año el pasado 16 de Junio. Definitivamente tenemos que vernos. El teléfono de la casa es 262-9915 y el celular de Kattia es el 845-6150. Saludos y Bienvenidos!!
Kattia, Norman y María Fernanda
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