Happy Twentieth-Month, Fabi!
Happy 20th month!
In the last month, being around Fabi has been just plain fun! Sure! He likes to do things his way and sometimes wants to go left when you're trying to go right, but that doesn't mean you can't convince him. He's still quite a social person, very patient, likes to eat his vegetables, is learning to pray and can wear a pair of sunglasses all by himself.
I specially like to see him wash his face during his bathtime, signal when he's hungry and dance the second he hears music (any kind of music!) He tries to get his shirt on by himself in the mornings and likes to wear a hat when he goes out.
A fourth lower-front tooth and a couple of upper molars have started to show. He's no longer bitting me when he gets mad, but he does hit his face (or throw things) if he gets really angry. He does NOT like it when he gets a hair cut or when I have to trim his toe and finger nails. I hope this changes soon.
He's had the opportunity to interact with other children and that also has been a favorite thing for me to watch. As expected, sometimes he shares and joins in games...others, he fights.
I feel a language-explosion coming on...just in time when he's about to meet his English/Hindi/Marathi speaking Daddy again. I have a feeling that MasalaDad will learn more Spanish than German in the near future. :)
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Happy 20th month Fabi.. U hv also developed a soft corner for glares..
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