Saturday, September 20, 2008


"Mom: Please draw a Spiderman tattoo on my arm!"

One day, he will grow up and realize I can't draw to save my life. As of now, I just smile as I see him walk away feeling very proud -invincible!- with his tattoo.

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Lights off!

I got this message a few days ago by e-mail and today I saw it again online. I thought I'd do my part not just by "playing along", but also by inviting you to join. I'm copy/pasting the message - eventhough it looks like the translations we machine-automated.

World Darkness: On September 17th, 2008 from 21:50 to 22:00 hours. Proposes to turn off all the lights and if possible all electrical appliances, so our planet can ‘breathe’. If the response is massive, it can result in an extraordinary energy-saving. Only 10 minutes and see what happens. Yes, we are 10 minutes in the dark, we light a candle and simply looking at it, We breathe and our planet does too. Remember that the union is strength and the Internet can be very powerful to distribute this message. Spread the news, if you have friends that live in other countries send this message to them.

Hoy, estés donde estés a las 21:50 de la hora de tu país y hasta las 22:00 se está promoviendo un apagón mundial. Se propone apagar todas las luces y si es posible todos los aparatos eléctricos, para que nuestro planeta pueda “respirar”. Si la respuesta es masiva, la energía que se ahorra puede ser brutal. Solo 10 minutos. Si estamos 10 minutos en la oscuridad, prendamos una vela y simplemente la miramos y nosotros estaremos respirando y nuestro planeta. Recordemos que la unión hace la fuerza y el Internet puede tener mucho poder y puede ser aun algo más grande.

Escuridão mundial: No dia 17 de Setembro de 2008 das 21:50 às 22:00 horaspropõe-se apagar todas as luzes e se possível todos os aparelhos eléctricos, para o nosso planeta poder 'respirar'.Se a resposta for massiva, a poupança energética pode ser brutal. Só 10 minutos, para ver o que acontece. Sim, estaremos 10 minutos às escuras, podemos acender uma vela e simplesmente ficar a olhar para ela, estaremos a respirar nós e o planeta. Lembrem-se que a união faz a força e a Internet pode ter muito poder e podemos mesmo fazer algo em grande. Passa a notícia, se tiveres amigos a viver noutros países envia-lhes.
ظلام العالم : على 17 سبتمبر 2008 من الساعة 21:50 الى 22:00 ويقترح حذف جميع الانوار واذا امكن جميع الاجهزه الكهرباءيه ، ويمكن لكوكبنا 'تنفس'. اذا كان الجواب هاءله ، ويمكن الاقتصاد في استهلاك الطاقة وحشية. خلال 10 دقائق فقط ، ونرى ما سيحصل. نعم ، نحن على 10 دقائق في الظلام ، ونحن على ضوء شمعة وببساطة ان النظر اليها ، ونحن نتنفس وكوكبنا. نتذكر ان الاتحاد هو القوام وشبكة الانترنت يمكن ان تكون بالغة القوة ويمكن حتى تفعل شيئا كبيرا. التحركات الاخبار .
Darkness monde: Le 17 Septembre 2008 de 21:50 à 22:00 heuresPropose de supprimer toutes les lumières et, si possible, tous les appareils électriques, à notre planète peut 'respirer'. Si la réponse est massive, les économies d'énergie peuvent être brutales. Seulement 10 minutes, et de voir ce qui se passe. Oui, nous sommes 10 minutes dans le noir, on allume une bougie et simplement Être regarder, que nous respirons et de notre planète. N'oubliez pas que l'union fait la force et l'Internet peuvent être très électricité et peut Même faire quelque chose de grand. Déplace l'actualité.
Σκοταδι κοσµο: Στις 17 Σεπ του 2008 απο 21:50 εως 22:00 ωρες Προτεινει να διαγραψει ολα τα φωτα και αν ειναι δυνατον, ολες τις ηλεκτρικες συσκευες, να πλανητη µας µπορει να «αναπνεει». Εαν η απαντηση ειναι µαζικη, η εξοικονοµηση ενεργειας µπορει να ειναι κτηνωδης. Μονο 10 λεπτα, και να δουµε τι συµßαινει. Ναι, ειµαστε 10 λεπτα στο σκοταδι, θα αναψει ενα κερι και απλα Να εξεταζουµε, που αναπνεουµε και τον πλανητη µας. Θυµηθειτε οτι η ενωση ειναι η δυναµη και το Internet µπορει να ειναι πολυ δυναµη και µπορουν να Ακοµη κανουµε κατι µεγαλο. Μετακινησεις την ειδηση, αν εχετε φιλους να ζουν σε αλλες χωρες να στειλουν τους και τους.
Darkness Welt: Am 17 September 2008 von 21:50 bis 22:00 Uhr. Schlägt vor, alle Lichter zu löschen und, wenn möglich, alle elektrischen Geräte, die unseren Planeten kann 'atmen'. Wenn die Antwort ist derb, Energieeinsparung kann brutal. Nur 10 Minuten, und sehen Sie, was passiert. Ja, wir sind 10 Minuten im Dunkeln, wir Licht einer Kerze und einfach Sei es bei der Suche, die wir atmen, und unseres Planeten. Denken Sie daran, dass die Gewerkschaft ist Stärke und das Internet kann sehr Macht und können Selbst etwas tun groß. Verschiebt den Nachrichten.
Ночь на Земле: 17 сентября 2008 года с 21:50 до 22:00 часов отключите все огни, и, по возможности, все электроприборы, чтобы наша планета могла спокойно 'подышать' хоть 10 минут.В случае массового участия, этот проект приведет к огромному сбередению энергии по всему земному шару. Всего только 10 минут, и вы увидите как важен будет результат.За эти 10 минут можно просто посидеть в темноте, зажечь свечу и посидеть при ее свете. А за это время наша планета успеет спокойно отдышаться. Помните, что совместное действие - это мощь, а Интернет - это великая сила, вместе мы можем добиться очень многого. Сообщи о нас другим!!!
Darkness wereld: Op 17 September 2008 van 21:50 tot 22:00 uurStelt voor om alle lichten en zo mogelijk alle elektrische apparaten, om onze planeet kan 'ademen'.Indien het antwoord is enorm, de energiebesparing kan worden wreder. Slechts 10 minuten, en zie wat er gebeurt. Ja, we zijn 10 minuten in het donker, we licht van een kaars en gewoon Wordt kijken, we inademen en onze planeet. Vergeet niet dat de unie is kracht en het internet kan zeer macht en kan Zelfs iets te groot. Vertrokken het nieuws.


Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The inevitable skit - Updated


Thursday, September 04, 2008


I just realized that a couple of friends of mine are celebrating their 10th wedding anniversary.

Ten years ago, I was living in Dominican Republic and France had won the FIFA World Cup that it had hosted (everybody wanted to be in France at that time). A few months later, I came to Europe (France) for the first time: PARIS!...and then to the province of Britanny for a wedding! Unforgettable!

Happy 10th Annivesary Fabio & Anne-Lyse!

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Monday, September 01, 2008

1. Kindergartentag!

I have been anxiously awaiting for today: it was Fabian's first day in kindergarden. According to the German educational system (at least here in Bavaria), children go to kindergarten from 3 to 6 years old before they go to primary school.

No doubt Fabi gained a lot through his previous participation in a "Playgroup". Eventhough he only went for 3 hours a day, twice a week in a group of 8 children (between the ages of 2 and 3 years), the playgroup taught him a lot and prepared him for his "bigger" kindergarten. He had a trial session a couple of months ago when he learned the name of one of his teachers whom he likes to color with. So this past weekend he was really looking forward to finally going to his kindergarten.

It went exceptionally if he had been going to kindergarten all of his life! Now I'm really looking forward to those 37.5 hours a week - that I will be able to use for my own projects...the possibilites are ENDLESS!

Fabi and I took the bus to his kindergarten but came back walking. As we were coming back home I really enjoyed holding his little hand and listening to him tell me what he had done during his first day. We saw a snail. Here's the story in pictures.

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