"What is your problem?"
"Somebody must have asked for some sites to be blocked. What is your problem?" That's what Dr Gulshan Rai, director of CERT-IN, the only body authorised to issue directives to ISPs asked when confronted with the fact that Indian government had blocked Blogspot, Typepad, Geocities blogs.
"What is my *PROBLEM*?!"
My problem is that very important people can't access what I - and many other bloggers-write...!
I was shocked when I first read about this on July 17th: LINK.
I was impatient when I read an update on July 18th: LINK.
I wish I could do something, too!
Chances are...if you're in a major city in India...you can't read this!
"Amitabh Singhal, a spokesperson of the Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI) said last Wednesday that "Blog blockade will be lifted in 48 hours". He acknowledged that some ISPs -- he insisted it wasn't all -- mistook the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) notice and blocked entire blog domains, adding that it was technically feasible to block a sub-domain and leave others still accessible." LINK.
There's a nice update here to follow up on this blockage.
Here's the Indian Department of Telecom's official press release of today (July 20th)) which clarifies the blocking. The specific websites that were suppossed to be block is here.
3 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:
I'm not aware of the details of the whole issue, but, boy, it reminds me of China and their restricted access to internet because of government censure!
It's probably not a censure case here, though, but it's really incredible for a country that is involved with doing a lot of computer work for foreign companies all over the world. One of the biggest supermarket in Switzerland has an Indian company doing accountancy work for them!
Yes indeed Marlene!...India is known for its huge outsourcing market.
As of today (July 20th), things are getting cleared up. But this whole mess tends to put India in the same 'basket' as China and other places -like UAE- where Internet censorship is common. Not good!
Hopefully, everything will be CORRECTED soon!
Well Hi Mari,
I too was a bit puzzled this week that as why I can't access your blog then I read in indian news-paper's site that BLOG-SITES should be banned or something like that.
Anyway nice to visit you again. I hope that Things Must be OK your side and yeah How is GOLU ? This is a really nice name to call. He must be missing Ishan, isnt it ?.
We are having plenty of rains here in Dhule & Jalgaon so climate is like wet and cool.
Take care and wish to hear from you soon....
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