Dia de la Virgen de los Angeles
It's holiday again today in Costa Rica. This time it's a religious holiday dedicated to the Virgin of the Angels, the country's official patron.
Today is when many people will reach their pilgrimage to the Basilica in Cartago, which is one of the main provinces of the central valley.
Inside the Church, people can see the stone carved image of the Virgin Mary (here called Virgin of the Angels) resting on the same rock where it was found in 1635, by a peasant girl named Juana Pereira.
Many devotees have faith in the Virgin Mary. Even the Costa Rican football team is said to carry an image of her whenever they go abroad to play international games.
"Hail Mary,Full of Grace,The Lord is with thee.Blessed art thou among women,and blessed is the fruitof thy womb, Jesus.Holy Mary,Mother of God,pray for us sinners now,and at the hour of death."
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