Happy 25th Month, Fabi!
Fabi celebrated his 25th month by having a normal day: playing with his toys, enjoying the spring weather, running up and down chasing a ball and keeping his Mom busy, as usual.
He´s repeating everything he hears and it´s funny to hear him say: "Oh, wow!" when he discovers something that amazes him (and many things amaze him everyday!)
Fabi is now in the phase of disliking to wear clothes and shoes and doesn´t like the idea of brushing his teeth anymore. He only agrees to wear what HE chooses...*sigh* Oh!...and he doesn´t like to sit on his stroller when we go out. All he wants to do is be able to run around freely. It´s a good thing that we have beautiful children playgrounds around where we live!
We join other mother-children groups during the week: Spanish-speaking families twice a week and German-speaking families twice a week. We hope to soon start going to children´s gymnastics group once a week - as soon as we both recover from a mild cold that hit us with the chance of season.
He doesn´t like sharing and will say: "Bola! Chiquito!" --meaning "this ball belongs to Chiquito", as he calls himself-which means "little one" in Spanish.
His vocabulary has expanded to include words such as:
sucio (dirty)
bolsa (bag)
"tu-tu" (onomatopoeia for train)
"bum"(onomatopoeia for car)
"miau" (onomatopoeia for cat)
"uuuu"(onomatopoeia for elephant)
"mu-mu"(onomatopoeia for cow, and he can also say vaca)
"poto"(onomatopoeia for drum-?!)
moto (motorcycle)
nada (nothing, as in "nothing is left. I ate all of it!")
por aquí (this way)
bola (ball)
moon (which I remind him is said "luna" in Spanish)
aquí (here)
allá (there)
uno (one)
jugo (juice)
pan (bread)
uva (grape)
sopa (soup)
papa (potato)
t´elado (helado - ice cream)
té (tea)
ma´na (manzana - apple; sometimes he´s says this to request his favorite YouTube video of the song MahNa MahNa).
ba´no (banana)
Mamá, Ma, Mai
chiquito & chiquita (little boy & little girl)
muchacho & muchacha (young boy & young girl --even if it´s an older lady)
sí (yes; which has evolutionazed from "okay" to "ja")
no (his most favorite word!)
más (more - his 2nd favorite word)
panda (panda bear)
pato (duck)
pez (fish)
palo (stick)
pelo (hair)
peine (comb)
silla (chair)
mesa (table)
taza (cup)
mano (hand)
cabeza (head)
pie (foot)
cae (to fall)
corre (to run - in the house he asks "corre?" and when I nod, he speeds to his bedroom and back - over and over and over again!)
moco (he cleans his nose with a tissue as long as I give it to him)
caca & pipí (to address his bodily functions)
tos (cough)
achuu (onomatopoeia for sneeze)
He tries to say jirafa (giraffe) and pingüino (pinguin).
He calls his shirts "guapo" (handsome) because I tell him he looks guapo after I get him dressed; he says ´pato (zapatos-shoes) and calls his pants mono (although he also uses that word to say monkey).
The name of his favorite Sesame Street characters: Elmo, Bert, Ernie and Cookie (Monster).
His German words include:
He understands a lot more than he can express and this is obvious when you ask him to "close the door" or "go get Daddy´s shoes" when he comes home from work.
The other day Fabi wanted to be alone in his bedroom (he was up to no good and wanted to take out all the wet tissues out of the box). He surprised me by giving me instructions to leave - in Spanish AND English: "Vaya! Go!"
Lately he only drinks juice if it´s grape flavored and everytime he sees any candle he sings "...to you!" (As in "Happy Birthday to you!")
He´s also a little too dramatic. He likes to yell "OWWww!" when "hurts himself" after a fall...or if another kid touches him or if a beach ball bounces on his head. MasalaDad says he´s going to be an actor ("Actor!", he repeats) and the other day someone else said the same thing after watching him play with other kids at a birthday party.
When we go out he will enthusiastically point out every single motorcycle ("Moto!", which he used to pronounce as "mono") and he also recognizes vehicles with sirens (police cars, ambulances), whether they are making sound or not.
His name is in the waiting list of a kindergarten...as children here start going when they´re 3 years old. He (finally) visited the pediatrician and now has the oficial list of international vaccinations updated.
HAPPY 25th Month, Fabi!
Labels: Fabi birthday
6 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:
And he called me TONG(it means aching in chinese).
Ha ha!... So..."Tong"...does it mean "you´re a pain" to Fabi? Of course not!...You guys are pals!
hehe so nice to know in detail all the new things Fabi does:-)..
wanna know what he wd call me ;)
Nos parece que es una bonita lista de palabras. Imaginamos que ya no dice gigol gigol. O y J.
Pues, si!...A veces Fabian todavia dice "Gigol gigol"...y si se lo digo yo....lo repite una y otra vez!
Nidhi: I´m glad you liked this post...I thought it would only be interesting for his grandparents (and later on...for his baby record). As soon as I read your comment, I showed Fabi your picture and told him your name. He did a good job at repeating it!
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