Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Blogging Backlog

Having my Mother at home was already great news! Eventhough this translated into more work at home (those homecooked meals are such a task!) we were already enjoying our new routine.

Then yesterday my Mom had to go to her first medical check-up after being released from the hospital and when she came back home she was free from the VAC machine! She was instructed to lead a "normal life" and feel "free to walk" while she continues to heal. This is why Fabi, my Dad, my Mom and I went to have lunch at a nearby shopping mall! Even I felt free! So free, in fact I am able to sit down and write on my blog again.

The problem is I have *SO* much to write about...I don't even know where to start!

  • First of all, let me send HAPPY BIRTHDAY WISHES to Golu's Aunt Priya who celebrated her day on Oct. 6th! Priya: We were working on a video to send you and the camera I was using ran out of batteries (at 11:00pm!) Hopefully, we will soon make up for that!

  • Our good friend Saher and my uncle Gerardo also celebrated their birthdays last Oct. 5th.

  • Today is Fabi's paternal grandmother's birthday and she was happy to hear him say "Aji" (Grandmother) over the phone several times.

Other recent events include the following:

On Oct. 3rd, Germany celebrated the 17th anniversary of its reunification.

In the southern German state of Bavaria, history will remember this as the day that
Stoiber is out and Beckstein is in.

However, the real historic event of the week actually took place last SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7th as the Costa Ricans had a chance to vote on a
referendum on the Central American Free-Trade Agreement with the United States (CAFTA).

I've been opposed to this agreement since I started to learn about all its implications.

Unfortunately, only 48% of other Costa Rican voters agree with me and around 52% of the Costa Ricans who voted supported the deal. It's a sad time for our country...we sold it. Since this is a democracy, we respect the majority's choice. What I do celebrate is the fact that there was a referendum and that it was carried out in a way that reflects our peaceful way of living. I'm so proud of the fact that I was able to participate in the voting...even my Mom voted!

My time is up....can't blog any more 'cause it's hectic around here!

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2 What say? / Que me dicen? - Comments:

At Wed Oct 10, 12:41:00 PM GMT+2, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Mari...eagerly waiting for d video...

At Wed Oct 10, 09:14:00 PM GMT+2, Blogger GummyMommy said...

Oh caramba..! cuanto tiempo tenia sin leer tu blog!! Me alegro muchisimo que tu mama ya este fuera de peligro y en casita! que Alegria para todos... Sigo rogando a Dios por su pronta recuperacion. Que rico que pueda disfrutar de tu compañia y la de Fabi, eso de por si va a facilitar muchisimo su recuperacion. Abrazos. Liza


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